Hand Wash Station

A hand wash station is a portable sink that offers an easy and hygienic method to wash one’s hands. It is typically employed in outdoor environments with limited access to running water.

The components of a handwashing station are a basin, water reservoir, soap dispenser, and paper towel dispenser. Some models also include a foot pump that allows water to be dispensed without electricity or infrastructure.

Diverse Forms of Hand-Washing Stations

There are various varieties of hand wash stations, each with their own features and benefits. Here are some of the most prevalent varieties:

This is the most fundamental form of hand washing station, consisting of a single basin and a water tank. It is perfect for small gatherings or work locations with limited space.

This form of hand washing station has two basins and can accommodate two individuals simultaneously. It is a popular option for large events and construction sites.

Hands-free hand wash station: This form of hand wash station dispenses water using a foot pump, eliminating the need for hand contact. It is an excellent choice for places where hygiene is crucial, such as hospitals and food service establishments.

This form of hand washing station is mounted on a trailer, making it simple to transport to various locations. It is suitable for outdoor events or construction sites that require frequent relocation.

Aspects of a Hand Washing Station

Our hand washing stations are outfitted with a variety of features to ensure maximal cleanliness and convenience, including:

  • Soap dispenser: Each of our hand-washing stations is equipped with a soap dispenser, making it simple to lather up and thoroughly sanitize your hands.
  • Each hand cleansing station is equipped with a paper towel dispenser for drying your hands after washing them.
  • Foot pump: Some of our hand-washing stations are equipped with a foot pump to dispense water, thereby decreasing the risk of cross-contamination.
  • Our hand wash stations are equipped with a large water tank to facilitate multiple users without frequent refilling.

Benefits of Leasing a Hand Wash Station

Renting a hand wash station has a number of advantages over purchasing one, including:

  • Renting a hand washing station is typically more cost-effective than buying one, particularly if you only need it for a brief period of time.
  • Convenience: Our rental service includes delivery and removal, making it simple to install and remove the hand wash station at your leisure.
  • To ensure the safety of all users, our hand washing stations are designed to promote proper hygiene practices.

When to Consider Hiring a Hand Wash Station

There are a number of circumstances in which renting a hand washing station may be necessary, including:

  1. If you are hosting an outdoor event, you must provide a hand washing station to ensure the cleanliness of your visitors.
  2. Most construction sites are mandated to have a hand washing station to comply with health and safety regulations.
  3. Temporary job sites: If you are working on a temporary job site without flowing water, a hand washing station is essential for promoting good hygiene.


Whether for a construction site, outdoor event, or other temporary location, our rental company provides a variety of hand wash stations to meet your requirements. Our hand hygiene stations include dispensers for soap and paper towels, foot pumps for hands-free operation, and large water tanks that can accommodate multiple users.

Renting a hand washing station is a convenient, cost-effective way to promote good hygiene and ensure the safety of all users. Whether you are hosting an outdoor event, working on a construction site, or need a temporary solution for hand cleansing, our rental company has you covered with our dependable and high-quality hand wash stations.